The Tips You Need to Keep Your Smile in Tip-Top Shape this Summer

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Do you want a beautiful and stunning smile this summer? If so, you need to take good care of your teeth and gums. To help you keep your smile in tip-top shape during this fun and adventurous season, our team recommends that you do the following things:

-Keep up on oral hygiene: Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth once a day, and rinse your mouth daily with mouthwash. You also need to remember to attend your six month checkups. You don’t want to spend your summer with a smile full of tooth decay, gum disease, and other major dental issues.

-Wear a mouthguard: While you are active, it’s best to wear a mouthguard, especially if you participate in high-contact sports and activities. If you don’t wear a mouthguard, you could suffer from a hard blow to the face, which can result in chipped or knocked-out teeth. You can talk to your dentist about your mouthguard options during your next appointment.

-Be smart while traveling: While you take your summer trips, don’t forget to pack your oral hygiene tools. Please pack your toothbrush in a plastic container so the bristles don’t get squished or flattened. To make things a bit easier, just have a travel case that is full of your travel toothbrush, travel toothpaste, and travel mouthwash. Also, keep in mind that if you’re traveling on a plane, you will need to have small, travel-sized toothpaste and mouthwash.

If you keep up on oral hygiene, wear a mouthguard, and be smart while traveling, your smile will stay in tip-top shape and it will give you the oral health you deserve. If you’re interested in brightening your smile, you can also consider taking advantage of the whitening treatment your dentist, Dr. Groover, offers at our office. For more information and details, please call our office at 912-354-9541! We also encourage you to call our office and make an appointment. We look forward to helping you!